
Historie hledání

BGS lemovaci kleste 1411 Ean: 4026947014111

  • Kód výrobce: 1411
  • Objednací kód: 06009-1411
  • Název: Lemovaci kleste
  • Ean: 4026947014111
  • ZLEVNĚNO -55 % z ceny na prodejně: 12 187
  • 5 460 4 512
• Crimping tool set with ratcheting function and adjustabl jaws • supplied in an acid-proof blow mould case includes 2 exchangeable crimping jaws for: • insulated end terminals 0.5 - 6 mm² (red-blue-yellow) w symmetrical oval pressing • non-insulated end terminals 1.5 - 10 mm² with mandrel pressing • set including 1000 different cable terminals
váha [g]: 2070 g
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